Posted by: atowhee | May 24, 2024


After a hearty, tasty dinner at Malheur Field Station, our entire birding group set off for the Refuge Headquarters. We were hoping to spot a Short-eared Owl out hunting. Instead, we had to console ourselves with a Western Tanager, Bullock’s Oriole, Peregrine, Prairie Falcon, couple hundred White Pelicans on the man-made island once again surrounded by water in Malheur Lake, hundreds of ibis, severa; duck species on Marshall Pond, noise from snipe and pheasant, browsing deer, and the tamest Spotted Sandpipers I’ve ever met. Twenty feet from us, the plump shorebirds teetered and fed along the pond’s edge.

The Great Horned Owls are back nesting on the HQ watch-tower. Apparently, a late nesting season as the ytiung have not fledged:

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